Writing 101: We Are All the Caretakers of Our Language
Just because something gets repeated over and over doesn't mean it's true. It also doesn't mean that it's good grammar/style/usage. Here...

Proofreading 101: No Job Too Small (or too "Hugh")
When I talk about the work that I do and mention to people that most of my time is currently taken up working on book-length manuscripts,...

Publishing 101: Font Smatter
I debated for a while on what to call this post. To give you an idea of what we'll be discussing, here are two of my other options:...

Writing 101: Sometimes Technology Is Not Your Friend
I've been working with authors for a long time - probably close to a decade on at least a semi-professional basis, but really all the way...

Editing 101: The Musicality of Words
I truly love how words sound. I love the word serendipity, which makes me think of sudden joy. And the word ephemeral makes me...

Proofreading 101: When Your Text Gets Graphic(s)
I know I've mentioned many times that Spellcheck should be considered a "frenemy" because it doesn't always catch obvious errors....