Book-Length Titles I've Worked On
(a partial list, alphabetized by title)
All the Dogs of Europe Barked (fiction - historical)
The Battle for Beaver Bay (fiction - historical)
The Bell of Caledon (fiction - fantasy)
Because He Loved Grandpa (nonfiction - memoir)
Behold the Man (fiction - literary)
Book Pursued (fiction - thriller)
By the Breath of Their People (fiction - historical)
Chemolicious (self-help)
Courageous Fight to Overcome (memoir)
Credere (fiction - religious)
CSI Old School (memoir)
The Cure (fiction)
Defensive Strategies (poetry)
Dust from the Attic (essays - humor)
El Caracol: The Story of Alonso - Labor Camp Child (creative nonfiction)
The Fine Print of Self-Publishing, Vol 5 and 6 (non-fiction - publishing)
Fisheye (creative nonfiction/memoir)
The Flying Conquistadors (fiction - historical)
Follow Your Heart (fiction - gay)
General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy (nonfiction - historical)
Got Health-Style? (self-help)
Grave Secrets (fiction - mystery)
Handbook for Mortals (fiction - YA paranormal/romance)
Heart on My Chest (creative nonfiction/memoir)
Hitler's Silver Box (fiction - historical thriller)
Honor Code (fiction - young adult)
How Old Am I in Dog Year's (essays - humor)
How Did You Find Me (after all these years)? (memoir)
In the Hands of the Fisherman (fiction - men's)
It's Game Time Somewhere (essays - sports)
It's Nice to Meet Me Too (memoir)
Justice Is for the Deserving (fiction - crime thriller)
Lake People (collection of short fiction)
The Last Renegade (fiction - historical)
Leave 'Em Hungry (nonfiction - memoir)
Legend of the Half Breed and the Sorceror's Sphere (fiction - young adult)
Lessons from My Lunchbox (self-help)
Letters from the Tooth Fairy (fiction - juvenile)
Levon A (fiction - literary)
Listening to the Bowl Crack (poetry)
Live More, Work Better (self-help)
Malevir (fiction - young adult fantasy)
Mayor of Nut Valley (creative nonfiction/memoir)
The Metamorphosis of Kaden Parsens (fiction - juvenile)
Miss Pritchard's Happy, Wanton Christmas (fiction - Regency)
Moo-Lah-Gy (nonfiction - business)
The More Things Change (essays - political)
Mrs. Hewitt's Barbeque (collection of short fiction)
My Favorite Fruit Is a Woman (poetry - erotic)
My Partner the Ghost (fiction - juvenile)
Myth and Madness (fiction - young adult)
Of Time and Place (fiction - literary)
Painting the Stage with People (biography)
Peter Pan and Black Night (fiction - YA)
Profiles of My Past (memoir)
Protected by the Light (nonfiction - memoir)
Rennefarre: Dott's Wonderful Travels and Adventures (fiction - juvenile)
The Rise of Revolutionary Islam (essays - philosophy/religion)
River Road: A Mississippiad (poetry)
The Running Back's Crush (fiction - YA gay)
Saunders Meadow (nonfiction - historical)
Secrets of Sandpiper Cove (fiction - Christian)
Sex Happens: The Gay Man's Guide to Creative Intimacy (self-help)
The Shadow Man (fiction - thriller)
Sky Rider (fiction - YA paranormal)
Sprouting Wings (fiction - historical)
The Stephen Hawking Death Row Fan Club (collection of short fiction)
Surviving Berlin (memoir)
Taste of the Camino (cookbook)
To Cook is to Love (cookbook)
The Walls of Jericho (fiction - crime thriller)
The War King, Vol 1 (fiction - fantasy)
War Stories (collection of short fiction)
When Kids Fly (self-help/psychology)
The Why You Do (self-help)